Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Mommy Knows It All

here are a few things ive learned since becoming a mom.

*we really do have eyes in the backs of our heads.
             ''mom how did you know i was putting that army guy in my nose?''

*peanut butter gets gum out of hair
              trust me.

*NEVER EVER leave children alone with the following:  gum; scissors; elmers glue; sharpie markers...  themselves.

*frogs arent as gross as you might think.

*even if your child needs 167862185 stitches to fix the damage they just caused themselves;
                          smile. never let them see you worried.

*be silly.

*censor yourself. you never know when little ears are listening.  you do not want to have to explain why your child knows all of the latest gossip.

* allow them to eat their food off a plate like a puppy. pat their heads when they finish all of it.

* banana splits are a perfectly acceptable dinner, every now and again.

i have learned alot since becoming a mom way back in 2005. i think i am a better person for the stuff i know today. i am nicer to people because i want to set an example. i act silly because i want my kids to enjoy their childhood. i catch frogs, because face it, frogs are cool. i bite my tongue, i work hard, im an honest person, i try to eat healthy, and treat people with repsect. there are little eyes watching me everyday and little brains learning right from wrong. if i dont teach them who will?

Mrs Dietz

What did your mom teach you, that is still with you today?



  1. So far my biggest lesson has been "Don't take yourself so seriously!" I sometimes get into this mindset that Miles eating his veggies is the MOST important thing in the whole world...when, lets face it... its not.


  2. nope. when you get to feeling like this make it a banana split night!

  3. If we don't teach them, the world will. Which is way scary.

  4. This is great! and very you :)

  5. I love it....mainly because frogs really are cool...and burping is acceptable in public if it has the right have learned a lot my child.....freckles are charming, hair dye fades and blue jeans are always better once they become tattered and faded.....never judge the appearance but the heart....yours is beautiful!
