Thursday, June 17, 2010

unda pressure

so what do i write about today? nothing came to mind, as talkative as i am, as many things as i have to say, i was drawing a blank.
and then it hit me:   GOOGLE
so now i wasnt drawing a blank anymore, it was overload. i could dedicate a blog to my boys, the hubby, the color of my toenails. then there are all the memes: thursday thunks, word boggle thursday,  thirsty thursdays, thankful thursdays... aaaagh!

blogging is a scary world, that i could get wrapped up in for hours. and i just dont have that kind of time right now.

maybe i will find some inspiration while im out and about running errands.

established bloggers, what do yall do when you have nothing, or just to many topics, to write about?


  1. Take a break! But it may be a lil early for you to take a break! LOL I like to visit quote sites and find one that really sums up how I'm feeling that day. It's short, sweet and to the point!

  2. good idea!

    and yes to early to take a break, im in the 'new blog' mode. i just wanna type! lol

    and now ive had this song in my head all day...

  3. The best advice I've gotten is to keep a little notebook or list when you think of something you want to write about and then you always have a pool of ideas to pick from.

    Also, you can go ahead a write a bunch of posts if you get inspired one day and you can either set them up for delayed posting or just save them in draft form for later :)

    PS I already love your blog, but that probably has something to do with the fact that I love you too :)

  4. sweet! didnt even think about the delayed posting doo-dad, thanks!

    ps - i think your blog is awesome, but not nearly as awesome as you. love ya too! ;)
